

云南外事公眾號 ×
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大河區位于智利中南部,是智利15個(gè)一級行政區之一,面積約18,429.5平方公里,人口約38萬(wàn),首府為瓦爾迪維阿市。大河區因眾多河流、湖泊、原始森林、土著(zhù)傳統、古跡建筑、烹飪文化及藝術(shù)文化而聞名,安第斯山脈的自然風(fēng)光為該區發(fā)展旅游業(yè)創(chuàng )造了基礎。大河區林業(yè)資源豐富,環(huán)繞著(zhù)巴塔哥尼亞山脈分布著(zhù)大量原始森林,因此也被稱(chēng)為“瓦爾迪維阿叢林”。主要產(chǎn)業(yè)為林業(yè)、農業(yè)、旅游、文化、科學(xué)、教育等。


云南省與大河區于201241日正式締結友好省區關(guān)系。自結好以來(lái),兩省區高層交往頻繁,在經(jīng)貿、文化、林業(yè)等領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展諸多友好交流與合作。智利大河區利奧德大學(xué)民族芭蕾舞團曾赴西雙版納州參加了“世界鄉村之音—2012年景洪市首屆國際鄉村音樂(lè )節”,及在普洱景東彝族自治縣舉辦的“首屆景東國際無(wú)量山狂歡節”的開(kāi)幕式及“無(wú)量山國際鄉村森林音樂(lè )會(huì )”。芭蕾舞團為云南省人民打開(kāi)了一扇了解智利文化的窗口。2014年,智利大河區政府代表團訪(fǎng)問(wèn)我省,兩省區分別在總協(xié)調機制、教育、農業(yè)、林業(yè)、商務(wù)領(lǐng)域簽署了加強交流合作協(xié)議書(shū),為兩省區進(jìn)一步深化務(wù)實(shí)合作奠定了堅實(shí)基礎。兩省區共同在昆明舉辦了云南省—智利大河區投資合作推介會(huì ),智利大河區代表團及我省來(lái)自林業(yè)、農業(yè)、乳業(yè)等領(lǐng)域的12家企業(yè)約40人參加了推介會(huì ),尋覓商機,共謀發(fā)展。


Los Rio Region, Chile


Los Rio Region, located in south-central Chile, it is one of Chile’s 15 administrative regions, with an area of approximately 18,429.5 square kilometers and a population of about 380,000. Valdivia is Los Rio’s capital city. Los Rio is known for its many rivers, lakes, forests, as well as rich indigenous traditions, historic architecture, culinary culture and folk art. The natural beauty of the Andes creates a foundation for its tourism development. Surrounded by virgin forests in mountains of Patagonia, the region is rich in forestry resources and is therefore known as “Valdivian Jungles”. Its main industries include forestry, agriculture, tourism, culture, science and education.


Yunnan established friendship provinces relationship with Los Rio in April 1, 2012. Since then, the two provinces have witnessed frequent exchanges of high-level visits with a number of cooperation in economy, trade, culture, forestry and more.


The folk ballet troupe of Austral University of Chile took part in the first Jinghong International Country Music Festival 2012 in Xishuangbanna and the opening ceremony of the first Jingdong Mt. Wuliang International Carnival and Mt. Wuliang International Country & Forest Music Festival in Jingdong Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er City. Their fabulous ballet performance brought a great change for Yunnan people to learn about Chilean culture and art.


In 2014, the Chilean government delegation visited Yunnan Province, signing agreements regarding intensifying bilateral exchanges and cooperation in their overall coordination mechanisms, as well as in sectors such as education, agriculture, forestry, commerce and more, laying a solid foundation for the two sides to further deepen pragmatic cooperation. An Investment Cooperation Promotion was jointly held in Kunming by the two sides. The Los Rio delegation and around 40 representatives from 12 local companies from the forestry, agriculture, dairy and other sectors attended the promotion to seek business opportunities.