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農業(yè)和畜牧業(yè)作為該省的傳統產(chǎn)業(yè),規模較大,農場(chǎng)平均面積35公頃以上,較鄰近地區有明顯優(yōu)勢,是意大利最重要的農業(yè)和養殖業(yè)中心之一,同時(shí)也是歐洲重要的畜牧業(yè)地區。帕達諾科技園位于洛迪市郊區,是從事食品基因研究的國際中心,在農業(yè)食品領(lǐng)域實(shí)現了諸多突破和創(chuàng )新。牧畜產(chǎn)值在該省農業(yè)占49%,存欄數也是鄰近地區的三倍。洛迪省發(fā)達的農業(yè)和畜牧業(yè)帶動(dòng)了諸如飼料、肉食和乳品、面包等食品加工業(yè)的發(fā)展。


洛迪省旅游資源豐富,交通便利,環(huán)境質(zhì)量在意大利103個(gè)省中排行13。每年3月至10月,眾多的游客到該省田園度假理想地觀(guān)光和休閑。著(zhù)名的建筑物有12世紀羅馬式大教堂、因科羅納塔教堂等。此外,該地區還因生產(chǎn)“古老的洛迪陶瓷”而遠近聞名,洛迪陶瓷制造業(yè)在十八世紀和十九世紀上半葉達到鼎盛時(shí)期,不論是從“大火”燒制技藝還是從單色或多色裝飾的創(chuàng )新和精致程度上來(lái)說(shuō)都是如此。


云南省與洛迪省于200268日正式締結友好省關(guān)系。自結好以來(lái),雙方在高層互訪(fǎng)和文化交流方面開(kāi)展了友好交流與合作。20129月,云南省副省長(cháng)高峰率云南省文化代表團訪(fǎng)問(wèn)了洛迪省,與意大利洛迪省簽署了《關(guān)于中國云南省與意大利洛迪省領(lǐng)導人會(huì )晤情況備忘錄》,雙方將在遺產(chǎn)保護、藝術(shù)互展、學(xué)術(shù)交流、人才培訓、食品安全等方面開(kāi)展合作。


Province of Lodi, Italy


Situated on the right bank of the Adda River in North Italy, Lodi is a province under the jurisdiction of Lombardy Region, with an area 782 km2 and a population of 227,000. Only 30 km north of Milan, Lodi had become a settlement in the 5th century BC. It was destroyed in the 12th century and rebuilt by Frederick I of Barbarossa. On May 10, 1976, Napoleon defeated the troops of Austria in the Battle of Lodi, getting Lombardy under his control.


Agriculture and animal husbandry are traditional industries in the province. The area of average farms here is generally 35 hectares or more. Compared with neighboring areas, Lodi has obvious advantages as one of Italy’s most important agricultural and farming centers, and an important livestock husbandry region in Europe. Padano Technology Park is situated on the outskirts of the Lodi city. As an international center of genetic research in food, the Park has seen many breakthroughs and innovations in the agricultural food sector. Livestock production value accounts for 49% of Lodi’s agriculture production, with a livestock number three times of its neighboring areas. Developed agriculture and animal husbandry led to the development of food industries, such as feed, meat and dairy products and bread processing.


Lodi boasts rich tourism resources, convenient transportation and good environmental quality ranking 13th among all the 103 provinces in Italy. From March to October every year, a large number of tourists flock to the idyllic resorts of the province for sightseeing and leisure. The most famous buildings here include the Romanesque cathedral built in the 12th century and the Chapel of the Incoronata. The area is also famous for the time-honored Lodi ceramics industry which dates back to the 18th century. The ceramics producing technique reached the highest point in the first half of the 19th century, in terms of firing techniques, as well as innovation and sophistication of its single-color and multi-color decoration.


Since Yunnan and Lodi officially became friendship provinces on June 8, 2002, the two sides have seen substantive results in various fields and frequent exchanges of high-level visits. In September 2012, a cultural delegation led by Mr. Gao Feng, Vice Governor of Yunnan Province visited Lodi, and signed an MOU on his meeting with the leading officials of Lodi, determining their future cooperation in heritage protection, art exhibition, academic exchanges, personnel training and food safety.