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  暹粒省,高棉語(yǔ)意為“擊敗暹羅人之地”,位于柬埔寨西北部,其東面與柏威夏和磅通省、西面與卜迭棉芷省和馬德望省、北面與奧多棉芷省、南面與洞里薩湖相連,省會(huì )暹粒市距首都金邊311公里,距泰國邊界152公里。面積10,299平方公里,人口約100萬(wàn)。暹粒省是柬埔寨傳統的魚(yú)米之鄉,該省的農業(yè)主要為水稻種植、經(jīng)濟作物、水果、畜禽養殖等。暹粒省旅游資源豐富,近年來(lái)旅游業(yè)快速發(fā)展,正成為世界新興的旅游目的地之一。被譽(yù)為“柬埔寨靈魂”的吳哥窟就位于該省。柬埔寨政府高度重視旅游業(yè)的發(fā)展,未來(lái)將優(yōu)先發(fā)展潛力巨大的旅游服務(wù)業(yè)。


云南省與暹粒省于2006421日正式締結友好省關(guān)系。自結好以來(lái),雙方高層互訪(fǎng)頻繁,在農業(yè)、文化等領(lǐng)域的交流合作取得實(shí)質(zhì)性成果,兩省合作建成云南-暹粒友好農業(yè)科技示范園。在兩省共同合作推動(dòng)下,由云南省文投集團投資的大型音樂(lè )舞蹈史詩(shī)劇《吳哥的微笑》與201011月在暹粒省吳哥成功首演,時(shí)任中國文化部蔡武部長(cháng)、柬埔寨暹粒省議會(huì )議長(cháng)陳索菲先生、中柬兩國的文化藝術(shù)專(zhuān)家及來(lái)自世界各地的觀(guān)眾共計400余人觀(guān)看了演出?!秴歉绲奈⑿Α烦浞诌\用“柬埔寨元素、中國手法”進(jìn)行打造,是中國藝術(shù)家第一次以自己的理念對外國文化進(jìn)行的全面詮釋。它是柬中文化合作的重要成果,勘稱(chēng)中柬藝術(shù)的結晶,同時(shí)也開(kāi)啟了兩省友誼的新篇章。


Siem Reap Province, Cambodia


Siem Reap Province, which means “defeat of Siam” in Khmer, is located in the northwest of Cambodia, bordering Preah Vihearin and Kampong Thom Provinces in the east, Banteay Meanchey and Battambang Provinces in the west, Otto Meanchey Province in the north, and Tonle Sap Lake in the south. Its capital city Siem Reap is 311 kilometers from Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh, and 152 kilometers from the Cambodia-Thailand border.


With an area of 10,299 km2 and a population of 1 million, Siem Reap is Cambodia’s granary, boasting plantation of rice, cash crops, fruits, as well as livestock and poultry husbandry. Siem Reap is rich in tourism resources. With a rapid development in tourism in recent years, it is becoming one of the world’s emerging tourist destinations. Angkor Wat, the soul of Cambodia, is located in Siem Reap. The Cambodian government attaches great importance to the development of tourism and will give priority to the development of tourism services.


Since Yunnan and Siem Reap established friendship provinces relationship on April 21, 2006, the two sides have seen frequent exchanges of high-level visits and substantive results in various fields, such as the Agricultural Technology Demonstration Park jointly built by the two sides.


Smile of Angkor, a grand music and dance epic show jointly invested by Yunnan Cultural Investment Group and Cambodia’s Soma Company, successfully debuted at the world-famous Angkor Wat in November 2010. More than 400 people enjoyed the debut performance. Among them were Cai Wu, the then Chinese Minister of Culture and the Siem Reap provincial parliament speaker, as well as many Chinese and Cambodian artists. The show, full of “Cambodia elements and Chinese techniques”, is the first interpretation of a foreign culture by Chinese artists and has received a warm welcome by international visitors and local people, which was an important result of culture cooperation and also an arts crystal between China and Cambodia, laying a new cornerstone in the Sino-Cambodian friendship.