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云南省與布萊金厄省于200296日正式締結友好省關(guān)系。自結好以來(lái),雙方在高層互訪(fǎng)和各領(lǐng)域的友好交往十分頻繁。兩省共同在布省理工學(xué)院舉辦了《云南風(fēng)光與民族風(fēng)情》圖片展,展示了云南美麗神奇的自然風(fēng)光和豐富多彩的民族風(fēng)情,引起當地民眾的濃厚興趣;在昆明舉辦了中國云南—瑞典林業(yè)合作研討會(huì )和旅游、文化環(huán)境與可持續發(fā)展研討會(huì ),為兩省在林業(yè)、旅游、文化等領(lǐng)域的友好交流與合作搭建平臺;布省在昆明設立了投資貿易促進(jìn)辦事處,曾多次來(lái)昆參展昆交會(huì ),并于2003年榮獲昆交會(huì )組委會(huì )授予的“優(yōu)秀布展獎”。昆明理工大學(xué)與布萊金厄理工學(xué)院在互派教師講學(xué)和優(yōu)秀學(xué)生交流學(xué)習方面開(kāi)展了卓有成效的合作;兩校合作設立的布萊金厄孔子學(xué)院,是我省首個(gè)在歐洲開(kāi)設的孔子學(xué)院,由該學(xué)院開(kāi)設的漢語(yǔ)教育課程已進(jìn)入理工學(xué)院學(xué)分課程教育體系,并在傳播中國傳統文化,介紹中瑞交流歷史與現狀、當代中國經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展情況等方面開(kāi)展了形式多樣、內容豐富的活動(dòng)。玉溪市聶耳竹樂(lè )團曾赴布省卡爾斯港市參加“波羅的?!币魳?lè )節開(kāi)幕式演出,向瑞典觀(guān)眾多元化地展示了云南五彩斑斕的歌舞音樂(lè )和服飾。


Blekinge County, Sweden


Located in southeast Sweden, Blekinge County has an area of 2941 km2 and a population of about 150,000. Its capital city is Karlskrona. Blekinge is Sweden’s gateway to Denmark, Germany, Poland and other Baltic countries, enjoying an important commercial and military status. It is also an information industry leader across the Baltic region, with the well-known Blekinge Institute of Technology and Software Center, as well as a number of world-famous giants such as Volvo, ABB, Ericsson and Valeo, giving Blekinge a strong advantage in education, high-tech, biological resources development and environmental protection.


Since Yunnan and Blekinge officially became friendship provinces on September 6, 2002, the two sides have seen frequent bilateral exchanges in various fields and high-level visits. The picture exhibition entitled Scenery and Ethnic Customs in Yunnan, jointly held by the two sides at Blekinge Institute of Technology, showcased the breathtaking natural beauty and colorful ethnic customs of Yunnan, arousing great interest among the local people. The Yunnan-Sweden Symposium on Forestry Cooperation and Tourism, Culture and Environment Sustainability was held in Kunming, providing a good platform for both sides to enhance exchanges and cooperation in these areas. Blekinge Province has set up an investment and trade promotion office in Kunming. It also sent delegations to attend the Kunming Fair for many times and was awarded “Outstanding Exhibitor” in 2003 by the organizing committee. Fruitful cooperation has been carried out in teacher and student swap between Kunming University of Science & Technology and Blekinge Institute of Technology. The Blekinge Confucius Institute, jointly set up by the two universities, is Yunnan’s first Confucius Institute in Europe. Its Chinese course, as part of the Institute’s credit and curriculum system, has launched a range of activities spreading Chinese traditional culture and updating the China-Sweden exchanges and China’s development. Nie Er Zhuyue Orchestra attended the opening ceremony of the Baltic Sea Music Festival held in Karlshamn, staging a feast of colorful Yunnan music, dance and costumes to the Swedish audience.