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云南省與清萊府于2000927日正式締結友好省府關(guān)系。自結好以來(lái),雙方高層互訪(fǎng)頻繁,友好交流穩固發(fā)展。雙方共同簽訂了《中華人民共和國云南省與泰王國清萊府促進(jìn)文化體育園藝合作協(xié)議書(shū)》,在教育領(lǐng)域有著(zhù)長(cháng)期有效的合作機制。為全面深化兩省在多領(lǐng)域開(kāi)展務(wù)實(shí)合作,清萊府成立了清萊-云南友好協(xié)會(huì ),云南省成立了“云南-清萊友好省府工作委員會(huì )”。在中泰《禁毒合作諒解備忘錄》框架下,云南省與清萊府相互合作,聯(lián)合打擊境內外毒梟和重大毒販,取得顯著(zhù)成果。


Chiang Rai Province, Thailand


Chiang Rai is one of the northernmost provinces of Thailand, with an area of 11,678 square kilometers and a population of about 1 million. There are 11 counties, one sub-county and 110 districts under its jurisdiction. Chiang Rai is an important area in the Lancang-Mekong Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation, and a traffic hub along the Kunming-Bangkok international highway. Chiang Rai’s economy is based on agriculture and animal husbandry. With fertile land in its plains, Chiang Rai is rich in rice production and is reputed as Thailand’s “northern granary”. Its mountainous areas are famous for timber production and well-developed livestock husbandry. In recent years, non-ferrous metal deposits have also been prospected. Tourism in Chiang Rai has been developing rapidly. With the growing cooperation in the Lancang-Mekong Sub-Region, the border trade in Chiang Rai is increasingly prosperous, accompanied by greatly improved infrastructure.


Yunnan established friendship-province relationship with Chiang Rai on September 27, 2000. Since then, the two provinces have seen frequent high-level visits and steady development of friendly exchanges. The two sides signed an Agreement on Promoting Cultural, Sports and Gardening Cooperation between Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China and Chiang Rai Province, Kingdom of Thailand. The two sides also have a productive long-term cooperation mechanism in the field of education. In order to deepen pragmatic bilateral cooperation in various fields, Chiang Rai provincial government established a Chiang Rai-Yunnan Friendship Association, while Yunnan provincial government also set up a Yunnan-Chiang Rai Friendly Cooperation Committee. Under the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding on Drug Control Cooperation between the two countries, Yunnan and Chiang Rai carried out a range of joint crack-downs on drug barons and major drug traffickers with remarkable results.